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Top 5 MCU Movies to Watch Before Seeing Avengers: Infinity War

Top 5 MCU Movies to Watch Before Seeing Avengers: Infinity War
VOICE OVER: Cem Ertekin WRITTEN BY: Thomas O'Connor
Written by Thomas O'Connor

It's finally here, but are you prepared? Welcome to and today we're counting down our Top 5 MCU Movies to Watch Before Seeing Avengers: Infinity War.

For this list we're counting down the MCU movies you'll definitely need to watch before going to see “Avengers: Infinity War”, and the order to watch them in.

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It’s finally here, but are you prepared? Welcome to and today we’re counting down our Top 5 MCU Movies to Watch Before Seeing Avengers: Infinity War.

For this list we’re counting down the MCU movies you’ll definitely need to watch before going to see “Avengers: Infinity War”, and the order to watch them in.

#5: "The Avengers" (2012)

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe may have started back with “Iron Man”, but the ball really got rolling for “Infinity War” when Earth’s Mightiest Heroes first united against a common threat. The first full team-up in the MCU established The Avengers as Earth’s last line of defense against alien threats, as well as deepening our understanding of objects like The Tesseract, the glowing cube which houses the Space Stone. It also introduced important elements like Loki’s mind-controlling staff that we later learn contains the Mind Stone and gave us our very first glimpse at the purple-faced cosmic baddie himself in the post-credits scene. You see, that’s where the trouble began. That smile. That darn smile.

#4: "Guardians of the Galaxy" (2014)

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James Gunn’s critically acclaimed space opera introduced viewers to the cosmic side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and all the colorful characters therein. Taking viewers to numerous alien planets and locations like Xandar and Knowhere, this is the film that widened the scope of the MCU like no other film had before. It’s also the first time that audiences learned about the true nature of the powerful Infinity Stones, the ancient cosmic jewels that Thanos is after, thanks to a helpful information session from The Collector. And we’d be remiss if we didn’t point out that this was our first glimpse at Josh Brolin in the role of Thanos himself.

#3: “Avengers: Age of Ultron" (2015)

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The follow-up to the first “Avengers” movie hit the ground running, and we can’t say we’re surprised given how much it had to set up. For starters, Joss Whedon’s ambitious sequel introduced a slew of new faces to the team, including Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch and Paul Bettany as The Vision, two characters who are sure to factor heavily in “Infinity War”. The events of the film also set up the Sokovia Accords, a plot point that would become hugely important within the MCU in future films. We also learned after the credits that Thanos has already obtained the Infinity Gauntlet and just needs the stones to complete it.

#2: "Captain America: Civil War" (2016)

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The film that tore The Avengers asunder is still one of our favorites, and a hugely important chapter in the MCU going into the next phase of the ongoing saga. Old alliances are broken when a new piece of legislature is introduced that would bring The Avengers under United Nations control, driving a wedge between the team and sending Captain America, The Falcon and others on the run, with Cap even renouncing his title and shield. This is also the film that first introduced key players like Black Panther and Spider-Man into the mix, as well as Ant Man’s first time joining forces with other MCU heroes.

#1: "Thor: Ragnarok" (2017)

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While it may seem like all smiles and fun, the third “Thor” movie left the Asgardian hero in a pretty tight spot. By the time the curtains fall on the film, Thor’s mighty hammer Mjolnir has been reduced to rubble, leaving him back on the hammer market as well as short an eyeball. The film also saw the destruction of Asgard, leaving its former inhabitants in search of a new home. Given the arrival of Thanos’s ship in the film’s post-credits scene, that search might have to wait. Hmm, we wonder of that has anything to do with Loki nabbing the Tesseract from Asgard before it was destroyed?
